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The VIN (Vehicle Identification Number) is a unique 17-character code that provides details about a vehicle, such as its make, model, year, and origin. At RoadWorthy, you can use the VIN to access a vehicle history report.

RoadWorthy offers accurate and reliable vehicle history reports to help millions of customers make informed decisions when buying used cars. Our reports include details like odometer readings, ownership history, damages, accidents, recalls, title information, photos, and more.

RoadWorthy reports are useful for anyone buying or selling a used vehicle, offering insight into its history and potential issues. They help buyers make informed decisions and sellers justify their asking price.

RoadWorthy offers access to over 350 million VIN records, covering most used vehicles in the US. It provides reports for cars and light trucks made after 1981, helping reduce the risk of purchasing a vehicle with hidden issues.

You can find the VIN in several places:

  • On the vehicle: dashboard (near the windshield), inside the door, engine firewall, or under the hood.
  • In documents: vehicle title, service records, or insurance policy.

If you can’t locate it, contact the seller, as they can find it on the vehicle or in the paperwork.

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